Friday, December 17, 2010
are human..

are made of flesh and blood..

are made of emotions..

We are not gods...


we get hurt physically,

we also get hurt emotionally..

Although we get hurt..

one thing that is great about human is...

we heal.

If we get a cut..
no matter how big the injury,
we heal.

If we lose the one we love...
no matter how much we loved them..
we have to face it that..
that person is gone..
we can only do one thing now...


we are human.

Everyone's been hurt before,
everyone's felt pain before,
everyone's felt loss before,

but one thing that anyone has in common is...

we've healed..

the only thing that healing needs is..

it might take very long...
weeks...months...maybe even years...

u know why it takes so long?

because we are humans...

After we have been healed..

we can move on...

move on to a better love...a stronger heart...and a wiser mind.

We are human.

We hurt.

We heal.

2 Opinions:

Anonymous said...

some wounds never fully heal. There will always be a scar, always be pain when that loss was reminded.

Justine said...

exactly~~ :)