Sunday, December 12, 2010

i have to say...

i lived on earth 16 years...

and i've noticed...

this sentence...




it's not a religious sentence...

u do not have to believe in any religion to know that this is very true..

i've been a witness many times....

where people who did something something good..

and people who did something bad...

got something bad...

it doesn't really matter if u meant to do it or not..

the point is..

that you did it..

and therefore...

the universe has already planned a way for you to get back what you deserve...


to sum it all up...

everything that happens to you...

that happens to me...

that happens to everyone...

happens for a reason...

and that reason is..

because you deserve it...

if something good happen...
u deserve it...
for something good u did before...

if something bad happen...
u deserve it..
because of something bad you did before....

if someone make u happy...
u deserve it...
coz u made someone else happy before...

if someone hurt u...
u deserve it...
coz u hurt someone else before....


it's the most undeniable truth..


after you read this post..
and u wonder...

" leh...i done many good things before leh....why nothing good happen to me??"
"eh...bullshit...i've done soo many bad things b4....nothing happen to me leh!"

to the people who said the first sentence....
your goods things will come....
just wait...
a lot will come.... :)

and to the people who said the second sentence....your's will too, mudafuca... :)


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